MoonKnight Character Brief

Lucar is the only son of Duke Norwel and Duchess Janefee. Because of the Duke's tight involvement with the court affairs, Lucar was brought up close to the young prince of Burnoia and later, became the vanguard for the young prince. When the prince succeeded the throne, their friendship was destroyed by the hidden secret of the new King. Finally, Norwel Dukedom was banished due to Lucar being too close to the truth. Not wanting to give up his friend and his duty to the fatherland, Lucar fought alone until he freed Burnoia. His care-free character also led him to decide not to succeed the Dukedom when justice was finally returned to his family name. Instead, he built up his own territory; Janorwel Place. He was commonly known as MoonKnight.


Prince Subastian succeeded the throne after the assassination of his father - the former King of Burnoia. In the first year of his rule, he was under the shadow of many powerful nobles, and was dragged into a dark secret of his family. He managed to secure his position after Lucar had destroyed the conspiracy between the Queen Mother and the Earl. Being a young ruler, he was open to new ideas and reforms but this only made him becoming the enemy of some greedy and selfish nobilities. His marriage with peasant lady wrote history in Burnoia.


Princess Charisee of Obispane visited Burnoia to represent her father on the birthday ceremony of the King of Burnoia. The Queen of Burnoia saw Princess Charisee as a strong ally if she would marry the young prince. However, Charisee felt in love with the young knight instead of Prince Subastian and created unspoke jealousy between the two friends. Although she waited for her true love to address to her but the knight avoided his feeling. When Lucar finally presented at her tower, he only asked for her assistance on behalf of Burnoia. Because of love and because of friendship, she was willing to sacrifice all she has.


Genive met Prince Subastian when he was wounded by assassins on a narrow escape with Lucar. She left in love with the handsome gentleman without knowing that he was the rightful heir to the throne. Subastian met her again on a second ocassion and soon, he found comfort with her. Genive married the King despite of objections from all directions as well as the unknown difficult future. She was not only a woman who was capable of love but also the one who could bear the worst.


by Yasumiko Cindy Lo-Garry