Being A Them Character Brief

Dea is the son of a powerful commander in the Imperial Forces by a human woman. He lived with his mother in the Colony in peace but also in ignorance. He never met his father until the commander returned to his life, bearing a mission to demoblish the Human Colony and relocate all residents. Being a cross-between - off-spring of Human and Them, Dea fought to establish his true identity. He hated his father for leaving them behind and he hated his father betraying his mother's race. It was not until the very end when he finally understood the fate of all the cross-betweens and the reasons why, his father gave them up.


Pyktwin is Dea's good friend at school. When the Them came to demolish the Human colony, she escaped with Dea and fought to retain the freedom to live where they belonged. She took his side when Dea was isolated by the others because of his unclear status. However, when she finally understood that there would be no future to oppose the Them, she forced Dea to return to his own people hoping that he could continue to survive.


Eve is the sole survivor of the invasion of the Embassy. Them Imperials had no mercy to any Human government representatives and their families in that mission. Purely by chance, Dea intersected Eve during his escape. He made a promise to her dying father to protect her and to take her away from battle. Eve adored the hero who saved her. She followed Dea, imitated him and even fought along his side even though she is barely ten. Without knowing, Dea changed the life of this girl and he set up a forever figure in the little one's heart.

Evelyn Siea

by Yasumiko Cindy Lo-Garry